Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal



[info_box_3 title=”Lazer hair removal”]
A laser is a device

[blockquote]There is no risk for tissues and organs located under the skin (for example, lymph nodes, ovaries, etc.)[/blockquote]

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Laser epilation is the most effective method for gradual permanent hair reduction up to the disappearance of hair. Preferably men and women, mainly because it is safe, fast and painless, and the results are really impressive.
The laser is a device that produces light that is selectively absorbed by the melanin of the hair bulb (root), thanks to which the attention of selective energy is achieved on the hair that is destroyed, not affecting the skin (which is protected under the action of dynamic cooling). It is important to separate laser technology (and we believe that the Alexandrite laser is the most effective for hair removal) from other technologies that use light for hair removal, such as pulsed light or IPL or photolysis.

Laser hair removal can be applied to any part of the body where there is unwanted hair, such as:
Лицо (надгубье, подобродок, чеки, виски, брови и т.д.
Hands (or forearms in general), in the armpits
Bikini, legs (всего / legs or hips only), buttocks
Waist (in the center) and on the back (men – women)
Chest (men – women)
Линия живета и т.д.
There is no risk for tissues and organs located under the skin (for example, lymph nodes, ovaries, etc.), since the laser has a certain depth of penetration (which is determined by the available wavelength) and with alexandrite it does not even reach the subcutaneous fat, so it is completely safely.

Laser epilation is done mainly for aesthetic reasons, however, there are cases, such as , in some women, the appearance of periodic folliculitis (“pimples with pus”) after waxing or shaving. In these cases, the laser is the most suitable treatment for the problem.
The number of sessions required mainly depends on the phototype of the patient (skin color, compared to hair color), the use of previous hair removal methods, the patient's age, in particular, the possibility of endocrine hormonal problems. Therefore, we cannot predict exactly how many sessions each patient will have, but in general we can say an average of 5 sessions (with this number of repeated sessions, they are held in 15-20 days, which are considered free).
For laser treatment, there is a free reception for the information source of the patient's history (hormonal tests may be required before the therapy), assessment of hair growth, and also to update and solve any questions during laser hair removal.

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Laser hair removal
[faq question=”What is suitable for laser hair removal? ” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
Both women and men seek laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair. Epilation can be used on the face, armpits, bikini, buttocks, legs, stomach, waist, back. The laser acts specifically on the pigmented areas of the skin (melanin), so the ideal combination for hair removal is a person with light skin and dark hair

[faq question=”How is laser hair removal done? What role does hair color play?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
Laser epilation is aimed at pigmented areas of the skin (melanin), so the treatment is most effective with darker and thicker hair containing a large amount of pigment. Thin hairs and fluff absorb the heat generated by the laser more difficult. In addition, light hair that contains less pigment will require several treatment sessions to ensure a permanent epilation result. Finally, at an older age, where the hair has completely lost its color (gray or white) cannot be solved with the help of a laser.

Laser hair removal

[faq question=”Is there a difference between IPL (photolysis) and laser hair removal?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
These are two completely different technologies. IPL (photolysis) produces a wide spectrum of light, with the help of which the surrounding tissues are heated, so that the effect on the hair is poorer, and therefore the patient (especially if you have dark skin) is at a greater risk of suffering from burns when using it. IPL devices are cheaper than the corresponding laser, while a doctor is not required for its application, and therefore they are widely used in various aesthetic salons. Conclusions, specialized lasers for hair removal (alexandrite, diode, NdYag) with them achieve better and faster results compared to photolysis.

[faq question=”How many laser sessions do I need and how much time do I need for sessions?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
Most patients need at least 5-6 sessions at intervals of about 4 weeks. Each session is followed by a second session, which takes place 15-20 days after the first session, and which is supplemented and improved. The exact number of sessions will depend on the contrast between the color of the patient's skin and the color of his hair. The lighter the skin and the darker the hair, the fewer sessions required.

Laser hair removal

[faq question=”It hurts when laser hair removal is applied?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
No. Before applying the laser, a strong freezing of the area is simultaneously done with a strong cooling of the region (cold air). This cooling ensures safe treatment and painless treatment. Only a small percentage of patients resort to the use of pain-relieving cream (EMLA) only for the bikini area, which is considered the most sensitive to pain.

[faq question=”What are the possible side effects of implementing laser hair removal?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
The only side effect is a slight redness and the formation of small blisters (exogkomatakia koji exactly where the hair follicles are on the skin), which can be slightly itchy. This is completely reversible and lasts only a few hours after treatment. In essence, this is not a side effect, but the result of the "explosion" of the hair bulb (root), the effect of the laser, through the skin (which means that we have achieved effective hair removal!). It is easily treated by applying a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory cream to the skin after using the laser.

Laser hair removal

[faq question=”How can I achieve laser reduction (but not disappearance) of hair growth density in the region?” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
This can be achieved if you stop laser treatment for up to 3 sessions (and the same number of repeated sessions) instead of the 5-6 sessions required for complete hair removal.

[faq question=”What kind of preparation should I do before using laser hair removal? ” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
This should not be preceded by any other method of hair removal, which removes hair for a period of up to one month before the start of laser application. This is because if wax or silkepil is used before applying the laser, they pull out the hair along with the root, so that the laser will not be able to target the root of the hair and achieve effective destruction. For the same reason, you cannot use wax during the entire period when we apply laser epilation (between sessions, you can use a blade if necessary).
Also, the area that will be subjected to epilation must be shaved (or cut facial hair with scissors) 2-3 days before applying the laser. This guarantees us that the laser energy will be used exactly where it should be (that is, the root of the hair), and not in the hair shaft (the part of the hair that protrudes above the skin). In addition, if the laser "acts" on the hair shaft, it will melt and create a burn strip on the surface of the skin, which is also not desirable.
In conclusion, we must shave the area for 2-3 days before each application, and also avoid during laser epilation treatment methods that pull hair from the root.

Laser hair removal

[faq question=”What are the causes of excessive hair growth (hirsutism, hirsutism) that must be studied before starting laser treatment? ” dropcap_question=”Q” dropcap_answer=”A”]
Excessive hair growth can be caused by heredity, endocrine (hormonal) diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance, thyroid problems. But it can also be caused by some medications that we started, in the normal aging process and excessive use of hair removal methods that affect hair roots.
Usually, before starting laser treatment, they do research (laboratory blood analysis, gynecological ultrasound) for pathological causes of hirsutism, especially when there is excessive hair growth or hair growth in areas that should not be there (in the jaw and chin area in women or below пупка у женщин и т.д.)
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