
Вампир поттяжку лица – Autologous mesotherapy PRP

Вампир поттяжку лица - Autologous mesotherapy PRP



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PRP (platelet-rich plasma)

[blockquote]Autologous mesotherapy PRP (plasma rich in platelets). Modern solution for aging[/blockquote]

PRP (platelet-rich plasma)

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Autologous mesotherapy PRP (platelet-rich plasma). A modern solution to combat aging
[blockquote]Что такое мезотерапия с участите инкейции?[/blockquote]
This is a method of cosmetic dermatology for the prevention and treatment of skin aging, baldness and wrinkles on the face.
[blockquote]What is the difference between autologous and heterologous mesotherapy?[/blockquote]
Traditional mesotherapy is heterologous. At the same time, a mixture of substances is used, including amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, hyaluronic acid is injected intradermally with the help of micro-injections into the dermis, which is painless for the purpose of giving radiance and elasticity to the skin.
I say autologous, it means material from the body itself. In practice, simple blood analysis (how we do blood analysis), we get a small amount of blood. The blood is centrifuged and separated into erythrocytes, plasma, platelets and leukocytes. Some of these materials, such as enriched platelet activators, are used as a material for mesotherapy. That is, we use the same plasma and platelets, growth factors in the patient's blood. Due to the autologous nature of the method, the possibility of allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, etc., is practically zero.

[blockquote]What is autologous mesotherapy based on tissue regeneration?[/blockquote]
On platelet growth factor (first of all) and, secondly, on components of plasma and leukocytes from the patient's blood. The activity of these is activated and amplified by a special solution and DNA nucleotides (for example DNA of the pathogen).
[blockquote]Why is it necessary to introduce (t.e. DNA trigger)?[/blockquote]
This solution contains calcium chloride and DNA nucleotides.
Calcium chloride activates platelets, releases growth factors that were stored in granules (degranulation). Calcium ions, presented in the form of calcium chloride, in addition to the activation and degranulation of platelets function as a growth factor for keratinocytes.
DNA nucleotides increase the shelf life of platelets and leukocytes, and also stimulate the proliferation of skin cells. This enhances the action of platelets, because they "live" longer and, therefore, secrete more growth factors and longer, while skin cells multiply and regenerate.



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[blockquote] Pochemu treatment called PRP? [/blockquote]
PRP (platelet-rich plasma) means platelet-rich plasma. Growth factors in platelets and activated blood components based on patient treatment. Thus, it is completely biological therapy
Platelet growth factors (basic EGF, V-EGF, FGF, PDGF, TGF-, TGF-B, etc.) act synergistically for skin regeneration and cause in particular:
Angiogenesis (and thus we achieve better nutrition and oxygen in the skin), reproduction of epithelial cells of the skin and differentiation (attraction and creation of new fibroblasts that produce extracellular matrix)
Leukocytes help fight infection and secrete their own growth factors, which complement and enhance the activity of growth factors in platelets. Plasma nutrients (carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, microelements, etc.) help nourish, moisturize, and strengthen the skin and protect cells from harmful substances (for example, antioxidants, protease inhibitors, etc.).
[blockquote]In what areas is this treatment used?[/blockquote]
On the face (forehead, crow's feet, cheeks, chin), neck, décolletage, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees, buttocks, back of hands
[blockquote]Can it be combined with autologous mesotherapy and other procedures against aging?[/blockquote]
Ideal in combination with implants and hyaluronic Botox filler (for filling wrinkles)
[blockquote]How many sessions are needed?[/blockquote]
The protocol includes three sessions (the second in a month and the third in six months). Then we can repeat every 6 months or less.
[blockquote]In my opinion, expensive, and “problematic” the entire process? Worth a try?[/blockquote]
The mixture that we prepare consists of a wide range of autologous components and DNA components of the pathogen, very versatile. Unlike heterologous mesotherapy using a mixture of ingredients of low heterologous varieties (vitamins, amino acids, etc.). The cost is high, unlike the method, it allows you to save time and money, because it significantly accelerates regeneration compared to traditional methods. Результаты больше передный зом, метод activiziruet natural regeneration of the skin. Especially the following sessions (once every 4-6 months) will become less frequent, and the result will be cumulative. For this same reason, the appearance of the skin, from an aesthetic point of view, surpasses the methods so far, because the skin is restored naturally, not artificially.
[blockquote]Что противопоказано при аутологичный мезотерапии?[/blockquote]
In tumors, malignant neoplasms, chronic blood diseases (leukemia, thrombocytosis, etc.), HIV infections, in liver disease and kidney failure, hereditary skin diseases (for example, collagonoseis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, etc.) . Also in severe pathological conditions (for example, after heavy bleeding, low blood pressure, depression, etc.). Finally, other rare diseases (hereditary, collagen, autoimmune, etc.).

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