Skin Care Basics

Skin Care Basics

The skin is the body's largest organ and accounts for roughly 18% of an adult's weight. It serves as a protective outer layer that keeps in moisture and keeps out invasive organisms (like infections). It protects our organs against injury. It also helps regulate the body's temperature and has self-healing capabilities.


The best way to maintain healthy skin is to prevent skin damage from occurring in the first place. Wrinkles, age spots and leathery patches are all the result of skin damage from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. But the aging process for skin is unavoidable. As we age, skin becomes drier and thinner. Repeated movements of facial muscles, such as frowning, smiling or squinting, cause wrinkles over time. Stress, gravity and obesity also contribute to aging skin. And because the skin is thinner, it is more susceptible to bruising.



The premature aging of the skin from ultraviolet light exposure is called photoaging. Photoaging occurs when ultraviolet radiation penetrates deep into the dermis, damaging collagen fibers and causing the increased production of abnormal elastin. This breakdown in fundamental skin structures leads to deep wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration of the skin (age or liver spots), leatheriness and sagging skin.

Skin Care Routine

A healthy skin care routine throughout life can reduce the symptoms of aging in the skin. Be sure to:

  • Wash your face using a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water twice a day.
  • Pat skin dry? don't rub it dry.
  • Exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dead cells.
  • Apply a moisturizer to the skin immediately after a shower or bath.
  • Wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 every day.
  • For women who wear makeup, be sure to leave time each day when the skin is clean and free of makeup.
  • Do not use tanning beds.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and drink lots of water.
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep every day.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Conduct a monthly self-examination of your skin to detect any changes that might lead to cancer.
  • See your dermatologist once a year.

Anti-Aging Treatments

Beyond prevention, in today's world there is a wide range of options for slowing down the effects of aging on the skin. See the Cosmetic Dermatology section of this website for more information about:

  • Botox
  • Chemical peels
  • Dermabrasion
  • Fillers
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Retinoids

Skin Care Basics


Skin Infections

Anyone who has a break in the skin is at risk for an infection. There are three types of skin infections:

Bacterial Infection

There are many bacteria that live on the surface of healthy skin. But with a break in the skin, these bacteria can invade the outer layer of skin and cause an infection and rash. Staph is a common cause of bacterial infections of the skin. Impetigo is one of the most common causes of skin infections in children. Oral or topical antibiotics are used to treat bacterial skin infections.

Viral Infection

Viruses are parasitic organisms that can live and grow inside living cells. They cause either a degeneration or a proliferation of the cell. Most causes of viral skin infections are either from Human Papilloma Virus, which causes warts, or Human Herpes Virus, which causes cold sores, chicken pox, shingles, genital herpes and mononucleosis. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. Generally, medications are prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms of the infection, such as a rash or itch. Additionally, vaccinations are used to prevent viral infections.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections of the human body are called mycoses and affect only the outer layer of skin. Although seen in all areas of the body, skin mycoses most frequently appear as yeast infections, thrush, athlete's foot or jock itch.

Skin Care Basics

Die Haut ist der größte Organ und Konten für etwa 18 % des Gewichts eines Erwachsenen. Es dient als eine schützende Außenschicht, die Feuchtigkeit hält und hält invasive Organismus (wie Infektionen). It protects our organs from injuries. In addition, hilft die Körpertemperatur zu reguleren und hat Selbstheilungskräfte.


Der beste Weg, um gesunden Haut pflegen soll prevent dass Hautschäden Auftritt in erster Linie. Wrinkles, age spots and ledrig-Patches sind das Ergebnis von Hautschäden von Überbelichtung gegenheit ultravioletter Strahlung von der Sonne. But the aging process for the skin is inevitable. Wenn wir elter werden, wird die Haut trockener und dünner. Wiederholte Bewegungen der Gesichtmuskelen, z. B. Stirnrunzeln, veraukenn beschreibung oder schielen, Falten im Laufe der Zeit. Stress, Gravity and Übergewicht tragen ebenfalls zu der alternden Haut. Und weil die Haut dünner ist, ist anfälliger für Blutergüsse.



Die premature Alterung der Haut vor UV-Licht-Exposition wird lichtverursachte genannt. Lichtverursachte, tritt ultravioletter Strahlung dringt tief in die Dermis Kollagenfasern zu beschädigen und verursacht die erhöhte Produktion von abnormal Elastin. Diese Aufteilung in basic Haut-Strukturen führt zu deep Wrinkles, fine Linien, Verfärbungen der Haut (Alter oder Leberflecken), Leatheriness und slaffe Haut.

Skin Care Routine

Eine gesunde Hautpflege zeitlebens can reduce the symptoms of Alterns in der Haut. Pay attention to:
•Wash your face with gentle cleansers and lukewarm water twice a day.
•Pat Haut trocken? reiben Sie nicht es trocken.
•Exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dead cells.
• One piece of moisturizing cream on the skin immediately after the shower or bathtub.
Undwartungsfrei Sonnenschutzmittel mit Lichtschutzfaktor von mindesten 15 jeden Day.
• Bei Frauen, die Make-up, tragen unbedinget Zeit jeden Tag, wenn die Haut sauber und frei von Make-up ist, zu verlassen.
• Verwenden Sie keine Sonnenbanken.
Qualitätsrahmens eine gesunde Ernährung und trinken Sie viel Wasser.
•Get an adequate amount of sleep each day.
•Quit Smoking.
• Vermeiden Stress.
•Conduct kann eine monatliche Selbstuntersuchung der Haut zu erkennen, auf Änderungen die zu Krebs führen.
• See your doctor once in a year.


Anti-Aging Treatments

Über Prävention in der heutigen Welt es gibt eine Varundie von Optionen für die Eführungs des Alterns auf der Haut zu verlangsamen. Find in the cosmetic dermatology section of this website for further information about:
• Chemical Peelings
• Dermabrasion
• Fillers
•Laser resurfacing
• Retinoids



Infektionen der Skin

Wer einen Bruch in der Haut ist mit einem Risiko für eine Infektion. There are three types of skin infections:

Bacterial Infection

There are many bacteria on the surface of healthy skin. Aber mit einer Unterbrechung in der Haut, können diese Bacterien dringen die äußer Schicht der Haut und kerausen eine Infektion und Hautausschlag. Staph is a frequent cause of bacterial infections of the skin. Impetigo contagiosa is one of the most common causes of skin infections in children. Mündliche oder topical Antibiotica sind zur Behandlung von bakteriellen Infektionen der Haut.

Viral Infection

Viruses are parasitic organisms that can live and grow in living cells. They cause degeneration or proliferation of cells. Die meisten Ursachen für viral Hautinfektionen sind either aus menschlichen Papilloma-Virus, der Warzen verursacht, oder menschliches Herpes-Virus, die Ursachen von Lippenherpes, Windpocken, Gürtelrose, Herpes genitalis und Mononukleosis. Viruses do not react to antibiotics. Im Allgemeine werden Medikamente verordnet, zur Linderung der Symptoms der Infektion, wie ein Ausschlag oder Juckreiz. In addition, vaccinations for viral infections are prevented.

Fungal infections

Pilzinfektionen des menschlichen Körpers werden als Mykosen bezeichnet und betreffen nur die äussere Schich der Haut. Although seen in all areas of the body, mycoses of the skin are most common as fungal infections, thrush, foot fungus or jock itch.



Основы за кожей
The skin is a large organ of the body and accounts for approximately 18% of the weight of an adult. It serves as a protective outer layer that holds moisture and filters out invasive organisms (like infections). He protects our organs against injury. It also helps regulate body temperature and self-healing capabilities.


To maintain healthy skin, it is best to prevent skin damage in the first place. Wrinkles, pigment spots and skin patches are the result of skin damage from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. However, the skin aging process is inevitable. As we age, the skin becomes dryer and thinner. Repetitive facial muscle movements, such as frowning, smiling or mowing, cause wrinkles over time. Stress, gravity and obesity also contribute to skin aging. And because the skin becomes thinner, it is more prone to bruising.

Основы за кожей

Premature skin aging from ultraviolet rays is called photoaging. Photoaging occurs when ultraviolet radiation penetrates deep into the dermis, damaging collagen fibers and causing increased production of abnormal elastin. This breakdown in the basic skin structures leads to deep wrinkles, fine lines, skin discoloration (age or liver spots), leatheriness and sagging skin.
Normal skin care
Healthy skin care throughout life can reduce skin aging symptoms. Don't forget:
Wash your face with a mild detergent and warm water twice a day.
•Pat кожа сухая? не трите сухой.
•Exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dead cells.
• Application of moisturizing cream on the skin immediately after the bath or shower.
• Wear sunscreen with minimum SPF of 15 every day.
•For women who wear make-up, don't forget to leave time every day when the skin becomes clean and free from make-up.
• Do not use solariums.
•Maintain a healthy diet and drink a lot of water.
• Get enough sleep every day.
• Quit smoking.
• Avoid stress.
Малоисследованных ежемуслинный сообщениего учиний вашей кожи для выбратьия any changes that may lead to cancer.
• See a dermatologist once a year.
Rejuvenating procedures
In addition to prevention, in the modern world there is a wide range of options for slowing down the effects of aging on the skin. In the cosmetic dermatology section of this website for more information:
• Chemical peeling
• Dermabrasion
• Fillers
•Laser coating
• Retinoids

Основы за кожей


Skin infections

Anyone who has a break in their skin is at risk of infection. There are three types of skin infections:
Bacterial infections
There are many bacteria that live on the surface of healthy skin. But with a break in the skin, these bacteria can invade the outer layer of the skin and cause infections and rashes. Staphylococcus is a common cause of bacterial skin infections. Impetigo is one of the most common causes of skin infection in children. Oral or ointment antibiotics are used to treat bacterial skin infections.
Viral infections
Viruses are parasitic organisms that can live and grow inside living cells. They cause degeneration or proliferation of cells. Most of the causes of viral skin infections are either human papilloma virus, which causes warts, or human herpes virus, which causes herpes, chicken pox, shingles, genital herpes and mononucleosis. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. As a rule, drugs are prescribed to help relieve symptoms of infection, such as rash or itching. In addition, vaccinations are used to prevent viral infections.
Fungal infections
Fungal infections of the human body are called mycoses and affect only the outer layer of the skin. Although seen in all areas of the body, mycosis of the skin most often appears as yeast infections, thrush, athlete's foot or itching.


Основы за кожей

Skin care basics
The skin is the largest organ of the body and accounts for approximately 18 % of an adult's weight. It serves as a protective outer layer that maintains moisture and protects against invasive organisms (such as infections). It protects our organs against injury. It also helps to regulate body temperature and self-healing capabilities.


The best way to maintain healthy skin is to prevent skin damage in the first place. Wrinkles, age spots and vein spots are the result of skin damage from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. But for the skin, the aging process is inevitable. Because we are old, the skin becomes dry and thin. Multiple movements of the facial muscles, such as frowning, smiling or squinting, led to wrinkles over time. Stress, weight and obesity also contribute to skin aging. And since the skin is thin, it is more susceptible to injuries.

Skin care basics

Premature skin aging from exposure to ultraviolet light is called photoaging. Photoaging occurs when ultraviolet radiation penetrates deep into the dermis, damaging collagen fibers and causing an increase in the production of abnormal elastin. This breakdown in the basic skin structure leads to deep wrinkles, fine lines, skin discoloration (age or liver spots), leatheriness and sagging skin.
Routine skin care
Routine care for healthy skin throughout life can reduce the symptoms of skin aging. Don't forget to:
•Wash your face with the help of a cleaning agent and cold water twice a day.
•Pat skin dry? don't rub it dry.
•Exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dead cells.
Счупените ушички овлажнитель за чата immediately after shower or bath.
•Wear sun protection cream with SPF of at least 15 every day.
• For women who wear makeup, don't forget to leave time every day when the skin is clean and without makeup.
• Do not use solariums.
Keep a healthy diet and drink lots of water.
• Get enough sleep every day.
•Quit pushers.
• Avoid stress.
•Conduct monthly self-examination on your skin to detect all changes that may lead to cancer.
See your dermatologist once a year.
Anti-Aging treatment
In addition to prevention in today's world, there is a wide range of options for delaying the effect of aging on the skin. See the “cosmetic dermatology” section on this site for more information:
• Chemical peeling
• Dermabrasion
• Fillers
•Laser peeling
• Retinoids


Skin care basics


Skin infections

Anyone who has a break in the skin is at risk for infection. There are three types of skin infections:
Bacterial infection
There are many bacteria that live on the surface of healthy skin. But with a break in the skin, these bacteria can invade the outer layer of the skin and cause infection and rash. Staphylococcus is a common cause of bacterial skin infections. Impetigo is one of the most common causes of skin infections in children. Oral or topical antibiotics are used to treat bacterial skin infections.
Viral infection
Viruses are parasitic organisms that can live and grow inside living cells. They cause either degeneration or proliferation of cells. Most causes of viral skin infections are from the human papilloma virus, which causes warts, or the human herpes virus, which causes herpes, varicella, herpes zoster, genital herpes, and mononucleosis. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. In general, medicines are prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of infection, such as rash or itching. In addition, vaccinations are used to prevent viral infections.
Fungal infections
Fungal infections of the human body are called mycoses and affect only the outer layer of the skin. Although it is observed in all areas of the body, skin mycoses most often appear as fungal infections, thrush, mycosis and athlete's itching.


Skin care basics

Your skincare essentials
The skin is the largest organ of the body and is estimated to be approximately 18% of an adult's weight. It serves as a protective outer layer that retains moisture and also acts as a barrier to microorganisms that would cause infections. It protects our organs against injury. It also helps regulate body temperature while also having self-healing capabilities.
The best way to keep your skin healthy is to prevent skin damage from occurring in the first place. Wrinkles, freckles and other pigmentation disorders are all the result of skin damage from excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Nevertheless, the process of skin aging is inevitable. As we age, the skin becomes drier and thinner. Repetitive facial muscle movements, such as anger – frowning and smiling, cause wrinkles over time. Stress, gravity and obesity also contribute to skin aging. And because the skin is thinner, it's also more prone to bruising.


Premature skin aging from exposure to UV light is called photoaging. Photoaging occurs when UV radiation penetrates deep into the skin, damaging collagen fibers and causing increased production of pathological elastin fibers. This breakdown of foundation ingredients leads to deep wrinkles, fine lines, skin discoloration (age spots or spots) and sagging skin.

The right care of your skin that

it should become a daily habit

Healthy skin care habits throughout our lives can reduce the symptoms of skin aging. Do the following:

  • Soap your face with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water twice a day.
  • Pat your skin dry. Do not rub it.
  • Clean your skin from water cells 2 times a week.
  • Apply moisturizer to your skin immediately after a bath or shower.
  • Wear sunscreen every day.
  • If you are a woman and wear make-up, make sure that you leave your skin clean and free of make-up residues at certain times of the day.
  • Do not artificially tan. (tan lotion / tanning bed)
  • Keep your diet healthy and drink plenty of water.
  • Get enough sleep every day.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Check your skin every month for any signs of malignancy.
  • Visit your dermatologist once a year.

Antiaging Treatments

Beyond prevention today there is a wide range of methods to slow down the effects of aging on the skin. See the section aesthetic dermatology for more information on:


Skin Infections

Anyone who has a break in their skin (crack/opening) is at risk for infection. There are 3 types of skin infection.

Bacterial Infections

There are many bacteria that are normal flora of the skin and live permanently on its surface. But with a skin solution, these bacteria can enter and cause infection and a rash. Staphylococcus is a common bacterium in skin infections. Infectious wax is very common in childhood skin infections. Topical or systemic antibiotics are used to combat them.

Virus infections

Viruses are parasites that live and grow inside living cells of our body. They either cause the cells to degenerate or spread from one to another and spread. Most cases of viral infection on the skin are either from HPV – Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which causes warts, or from the Herpes Virus (Human Herpes Virus), which causes cold sores, chicken pox, shingles, herpes genitalia and mononucleosis. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics and the treatments prescribed are aimed at symptomatic treatment of the infection (symptoms such as rash, itching, etc.). There are vaccines to prevent viral infections.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections of the human body (fungal infections) affect only the outer layer of the skin. They most often appear as yeast infections, thrush, athlete's foot, or jock itch.

Your skincare essentials