
[info_box_3 title=”PSORIASIS-BEHANDLUNGEN”] Psoriasis ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung, die auf der Haut erscheint.[/info_box_3]

[blockquote]Im Gegensatz zu Ekzemen ist Schuppenflechte eher auf der Aussenseite des Gelenk zu finden..[/blockquote]


Es tritt auf, wenn das Immunsystem die Hautzellen als eines Erregers Fehler und verschickt fehlerhafte Signale die den Wachstumszyklus der Hautzellen beschleunigen. Schuppenflechte ist nicht infectious.
The most common form, Plaque-Psoriasis, is commonly referred to as red and white scaly plaques that appear on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area, including the scalp, palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet and genitals. Im Gegensatz zu Ekzemen ist Schuppenflechte eher auf der Außenseite des Gelenk zu finden.
Es gibt eine Reihe von verschiedenen Behandlungmöglichkeiten für Psoriasis. Typischerweise von topical Mitteln für mildem Krankheitverlauf, topical Mitteln und Phototherapie für moderate Krankheit und systemic Mitteln für schwere Krankheit
Systemische Behandlung: Medikamente, die intern von Pille oder Einspritzung. Patients who have regular blood and liver values.
Die drei most wichtigsten conventionale Systemische Behandlung sind Methotrexat, Cyclosporin und Retinoide.
Biologics sind das neue Evolution in ganzheitliche Behandlung anhaltende Schuppenflechte. Dies sind die herstellerten Proteine, die den Schuppenflechte begeilicht immun Prozess zu unterbrechen. Im Gegensatz zu allgemeinen Immunosuppressanttherapies wie Methotrexat Schwerpunkt Biologics Einzelaspekte des die Immunfunktion zu Psoriasis führt.



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TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease which is inherited. It is not contagious from person to person (as is wrongly believed).

It mainly appears on the elbows, knees and scalp, while it can also appear on any other part of the body.

It usually manifests itself in the form of erythematous plaques, which are covered by silvery scales and located in various parts of the body.

It mainly appears on the elbows, knees and scalp, while it can also appear on any other part of the body. The severity of the condition can vary greatly.

Psoriasis affects approximately 2-3% of the population and is as common in men as in women. It can appear at any age, but in most patients it appears in their twenties. The highest frequency of occurrence is observed at the end of adolescence and around twenty, while the second highest frequency of occurrence of psoriasis is observed around fifty.

Today, the factors that aggravate psoriasis are known, with mental stress playing a major role. Also certain lifestyle habits are burdensome such as alcohol consumption, obesity and smoking. Specific drugs can also aggravate or even be considered suspicious for the manifestation of psoriasis, while the condition is disturbed and flares up with friction and in general mechanical abuse of the lesions

The duration of the disease can vary, but in most patients alternating periods of remissions and relapses continue for many years or throughout their lives

The treatments are divided into local (creams, lotions, shampoos) and systemic (pills), while now for difficult cases that do not respond to conventional treatments, we also have the most modern therapeutic means of injectable biological treatments

By receiving the appropriate treatment, depending on the current state of the disease, psoriasis patients can have a very good quality of life and learn to live well with the condition!