Thinning hair problem? Insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence? The mirror, our enemy?
Not anymore! With the advanced and absolutely safe trichopigmentation method, the dilution becomes… invisible!
Trichopigmentation. Sophisticated and special micro-coloring method on the scalp with the simplest permanent make-up procedure!! It is indicated in cases of total or partial alopecia, in thinning on the scalp or even at bearded area.
The special pigments have nothing to do with the quality of those used for tattoos. Is specialized materials, completely tested and medically certified. They are absorbed by the body, without any side effects.
The specialized method of microchromization trichopigmentation gives her image once absolute natural hair growth with short hair. Young, direct and impressive the appearance after its application!
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He faces directly and covertly, any type of hair thinning. The now technologically advanced device, creates small holes on the outer layer of the skin. There, the color pours out and gives the image of multiple hairs in a short length.
For integration of the result, are required 3 sessions. The duration of the new image varies from person to person, depending on the quality of the skin. However, studies have shown that usually the method trichopigmentation displays her coverings results for 1 to 3 years!
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It provides her ultimate simulation of short hairs and after the first time, for her repetition is required only 1 app!
Why should someone prefer trichopigmentation?
- Direct result
- Quick and painless application
- It gives a modern and youthful look
- He has no recovery time
- It is absolutely harmless
- Application with certified, safe pigments
- It is cheaper (compared to implantation)
- It is incredibly LONG lasting
- Covers difficult areas (such as bald spots, eyebrows, beards)
- It gives the image of dense hair growth.
- It is equally covering, for men and women.
- The application is completed in just 3 visits!
- Repeat requires ONLY 1 application
Trichopigmentation–In which cases is it recommended?;
- Androgenital alopecia (male and female)
- Alopecia areata (hair loss)
- Covering scars or burns
- Donor area coverage after hair transplantation
- Alopecia-congenital lack of hair growth in the beard area
Permanent Make up & Medical Tattoo with multiple applications!
At our clinic, there is a department for Permanent Make up & Medical Tattoo in the following:
- Head hair growth simulation
- Bearded area simulation
- Brow creation, filling and shading and Hair - Hair method
- Outline and full lips with a color of your choice
- Line of eyeliner and eye contouring
- Creation of a "nipple" after surgery
- Vitiligo coverage
- Covering scars and discoloration
The head of the permanent make-up and trichopigmentation department is the qualified beautician Maria Koloni, graduate of the Department of Aesthetics and Cosmetology TEI Thessaloniki. The specific technique and the success it provides is applied ONLY by the specific professional in Thessaloniki and exclusively at the Derma Science Clinic premises.
Make an appointment NOW for a FREE first examination trichopigmentation and find your lost self-confidence, within just 3 applications!
Add COLOR and BEAUTY to your life!