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Dr. Constantine

Ο Δρ. Καλοκασίδης Κωνσταντίνος είναι Δερματολόγος Αφροδισιολόγος, πτυχιούχος και διδάκτορας της ιατρικής σχολής ΑΠΘ.  Στο δερματολογικό ιατρείο ο Δρ. Καλοκασίδης και οι συνεργάτες χρησιμοποιούν τις πλέον σύγχρονες μεθόδους κλινικής και αισθητικής δερματολογίας, σε επίπεδο τεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού και φαρμακευτικών εφαρμογών.


Phone :
(+30) 2310 222 432
Email :
Address :
Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


Doctoral Diploma from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Athens, Department of Physiology-Pharmacology, year 2009, entitled "Investigation of the mediation of platelet activating factor (PAF) in histamine-induced edema in the rat footpad (experimental study)"

-Collaboration as an unpaid scientific associate at the Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology of the APTH (from September 2007 to 2009 and from 02/2019 to today).

- Expert expert for the preparation - writing of research studies and participant in the research project of the Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Athens.  

-Collaboration as an unpaid scientific associate at the 2nd University Dermatology Clinic of A.P.Th (from November 2009 to November 2016).


·  Εξειδίκευση στην Κλινική Φαρμακολογία από το 2023

·  Απόχτηση 9 μηνών ειδικότητας γενικής χειρουργικής στο 424 Γενικό Στρατιωτικό Νοσοκομείο Εκπαίδευσης κατά το έτος 2001-2002

· Obtaining 12 months of specialization in general pathology at the Hospital of Special Diseases of Thessaloniki (Infectious Diseases) in the year 2004

· Medical specialty of Dermatology-Venoresiology in July 2006-July 2009 at the Hospital of Venereal and Skin Diseases of Thessaloniki.

· As a student, one month summer volunteer work at the Health Centers of Agios Nikolaos, Kassandra, Thassos in the years 1996,1997,1998,1999 within the program of the Scientific Society of Medical Students of Greece E.E.F.I.E.: "strengthening of health centers with medical students".
As a medical student and member of the Board of Directors of E.E.F.I.E., responsible for the organization of the above program for the years 1996 to 2000.

· Responsible doctor of the mixed competitive football teams of the Union of Football Clubs of Macedonia (EPSM) for the year 2005-2006 and 2006-2007.

· Responsible physician at the EPSM clinic at the Mikras sports center in Thessaloniki during the years 2005-2007.


1) Informative article entitled "Platelet activating factor (PAF): Biological actions and pharmacological applications", Hellenic Medicine 2008, 74, 2: 69-83


– "Evidence for the contribution of tumor necrosis factor in edema formation induced by histamine in the hind paw of the rat".

Kalokasidis K, Molyva D., Mirtsou V. Kokkas B., Goulas A.

1st Department of Pharmacology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece

Inflammation Research, May 2009


2) Known and potential new risk factors for skin cancer in European populations: a multicentre case-control study

BJD British Association of Dermatologists 2012 167 (Suppl. 2) pp1-13

3) Assessing physicians' preferences on skin cancer treatment in Europe

BJD British Association of Dermatologists 2012 167 (Suppl. 2) pp29-35

4) Risk factors for actinic keratosis in eight European centers: a case control study

BJD British Association of Dermatologists 2012 167 (Suppl. 2) pp36-42

5) The patient journey: a report of skin cancer care across Europe

BJD British Association of Dermatologists 2012 167 (Suppl. 2) pp43-52


6) Neurodermatitis: documented treatment
A. Panteliadou, K. Kalokasidis, A. Patsatsi, M. Trakatelli, D. Sotiriadis
Neurology, Volume 20 – Issue 1-2011, pp 38-46

7) Metachronous occurrence of colorectal cancer in a muir-torre syndrome patient presenting with recurrent sebaceous adenoma of the eyelid: case report and updated review of the literature. Agiannidis CPana ZDMolyva DKalokasidis KMixiou M.

J Cutan Med Surg. 2012 Nov-Dec;16(6):394-9.


8) Extrinsic aging: UV-mediated skin carcinogenesis, Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1;4(3):285-97. doi: 10.4161/derm.22519. Tsatsou FTrakatelli MPatsatsi AKalokasidis KSotiriadis D

9)      The Effect of Q-Switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm/532 nm Laser in the Treatment of Onychomycosis In Vivo. Kalokasidis K, Onder M, Trakatelli MG, Richert B, Fritz K. Dermatol Res Pract. 2013;2013:379725. doi: 10.1155/2013/379725. Epub 2013 Dec 14.

10 )Skin cancer risk in outdoor workers: a European multicenter case-control study.

Trakatelli M, Barkitzi K, Apap C, Majewski S, De Vries E; EPIDERM group.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016 Apr;30 Suppl 3:5-11. doi: 10.1111/jdv.13603.


He has published 10 medical research papers in international Medical Journals in the field of dermatology and pharmacology, while he participated in the writing of 2 chapters in medical books in the field of pediatrics and clinical nutrition.


Author of chapter "Nutrition in Dermatology" in the book Chordakis M, Kouvelas D. "Principles of Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy". Rotonda Publications, Thessaloniki 2007

Writing chapter "Skin Diseases" in "Therapeutic Encephalopathy of Child Adolescence" 6the Published by Panteliadis Chr. Yahoudis Publications, 2013 ISBN 960-7425-05-7

Published Abstracts

-Published Abstracts in Greek Journals:

Author of chapter "Nutrition in Dermatology" in the book Chordakis M, Kouvelas D. "Principles of Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy". Rotonda Publications, Thessaloniki 2007

Writing chapter "Skin Diseases" in "Therapeutic Encephalopathy of Child Adolescence" 6the Published by Panteliadis Chr. Yahoudis Publications, 2013 ISBN 960-7425-05-7

- Publications in the Greek and foreign language press:

Writing an article on "Acne in adolescence and sports" in the newspaper "Metrosport" Friday, December 4, 2009 page number 3249. The article has also been posted on the newspaper's website.


-Member of the Association of Reserve Officers of Thessaloniki since 2005 Member of the Philoptochos Brotherhood of Men of Thessaloniki since 2009


Member of the Medical Society of Thessaloniki since 2007

Founding member of the Hellenic Society of Documented Medicine in 2009

As a doctoral candidate, vice president of the Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Candidates of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the years 2007-2009

Contact Me



    Roundtable presentation on "Molecular mediators and extracellular substance: From research to clinical practice" and on "The role of platelet-activating factor in inflammation" at 4The Medical School Scientific Conference in May 2007


    "Effect of spironolactone on the expression of TGF-β1 and TNF-α in the myocardium of hypertensive rats"

    G. Stylianakis, A. Goulas, D. Molyva, K. Kalokasidis, V. Mirtsou-Fidani

     Oral announcement at 4The Medical School Scientific Conference in May 2007 and the abstract was published in the journal abstracts of 4The Scientific Annals of the Medical School of Thessaloniki Volume 34, Supp May 2007, Thessaloniki


    The Effect of Rupatadine on Histamine-Induced Oedema Formation and TNF-α Gene Expression in the Rat Paw

    K. Kalokasidis, D. Molyva, V. Mirtsou, H. Dede, B. Kokkas, A. Goulas

    Oral announcement at 5The Panhellenic Pharmacology Conference with international participation, Athens 23-25 May 2008 and published in the Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2008


    Up-regulation of histamine H1R receptor and TNF-a gene expression by exogenous administration of histamine in the rat paw.

    D. Molyva, K Kalokasidis, H Dede, V Kokkas, V Mirtsou, A Goulas

    Oral presentation at the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies Congress 13-17 July 2008 published in Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology Volume 22 Supp 2 Aug 2008


    Histamine increases platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) mRNA levels in the rat footpad
    K. Kalokasidis, D. Molyva, H. Denti, V. Kokkas, V. Mirtsou, A. Goulas

    Oral announcement at 9the Journal of Pharmacology, March 8, 2009


    The Role of Anti-TNF Agents in the Prevention of Edema Induction by Histamine

    K. Kalokasidis, A. Goulas, D. Molyva, V. Kokkas, V. Mirtsou-Fidani

    Oral presentation at the Spring Meeting of the Hellenic Dermatology and Venereology Society, April 11, 2009


    Potential suppressive effect of ranitidine on the late aseptic inflammatory allergic reaction (as demonstrated by an experimental model of histamine-induced rat paw edema).

    A. Goulas, D. Molyva, K. Kalokasidis, V. Mirtsou-Fidani, Denti H., V. Kokkas.

    Oral presentation at the Spring Meeting of the Hellenic Dermatology and Venereology Society, April 11, 2009


    Predictors of Quality of Life for Basal Cell Carcinoma uncovered

    Christos I Agiannidis, Kostantinos I Kalokasidis, Zoi-Dorothea A Pana, Mary I Doloufaki, Chrisa A Pana, Maria N Mixiou (Greece)

    11th ESPRAS Congress (European Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery).



    I presented a free paper on the topic: "Psoriasis flare-up after interferon treatment" at the EDAE spring session, Thessaloniki March 27, 2010, Hyatt Hotel



    Free communication on "Effect of Rupatadine on histamine-induced rat paw edema formation and the concomitant upregulation on H1R and PAFR gene expression" Goulas A., Kalokasidis K., Molyva D., Varsamidou E., Kokkas B, Varsamidis K. in World Pharma 2010, 17-23 July 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Abstract published in 2010 Nordic Pharmacological Society, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxixology, 107 (Suppl. 1), 162-692



    Free announcement on the topic "Hair loss: Just an aesthetic problem?" in the session Diseases of skin parts "100 years of Andreas Syggros Hospital", November 26-28, 2010, Divani Caravel Hotel


    Free announcement on the topic "Skin carcinomas in the context of syndromes" in the "Skin carcinomas" session "100 years of Andreas Syggros Hospital", November 26-28, 2010, Divani Caravel Hotel


    Posted notice on "Paget's disease of the breast: Case report" K. Kalokasidis, A. Patsatsi, A. Mantas, I Efstratiou, D. Sotiriadis, at 10The Panhellenic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology June 23-25, 2011 Divani Apollon Palace Hotel, Kavouri Attica


    Working group on "Internet and dermatology" Kalokasidis K. Larios G., at 10The Panhellenic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology June 23-25, 2011 Divani Apollon Palace Hotel, Kavouri Attica


    Symposium "Skin and systemic diseases" with the subsection "Genodermatopathies associated with cancers" K. Kalokasidis, at 10The Panhellenic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology June 23-25, 2011 Divani Apollon Palace Hotel, Kavouri Attica


    Effect of rupatadine on histamine and bradykinin receptor gene expression

    Molyva Dimitra1, Denti Chara1, Kalokasidis Konstantinos2, Sotiriadis Dimitrios2, Mirtsou-Fidani Vasiliki1, Goulas Antonis1

    2nd Panhellenic Dermatology Research Symposium

    September 30 – October 2, 2011, Candia Maris Hotel, Heraklion, Crete


    I presented a presentation on the topic: "Generics and active substances" at the spring session of EDAE, Thessaloniki April 7, 2012, Hyatt Hotel


    I presented a free presentation on the topic: "Psoriasis in an infant" at the EDAE spring session, Thessaloniki April 7, 2012, Hyatt hotel

    19 Participant in the training program for general medicine specialists at PGNT Ahepa with three presentations "Frequent dermatological diseases in PHY I, II, III", Thessaloniki October 2012

    20 “Laser for treatment of onychomycosis” in European Women's Dermatologic Society session at 22N.D EADV Congress “Dermatovenereology in a Changing World” 2-6 October 2013, Istanul, Turkey

    22) Presentation of Satellite Symposium "Non surgical face and body lifting with PDO lifting Threads" K. Kalokasidis, 1st international congress of the Cyprus Society of Dermatology and Venereology, Four Seasons Hotel, Limassol 15-16 March 2014

    23) Presentation of a workshop with the theme "combined application of autologous mesotherapy PRP and PDO lifting threads" at the day of the Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging with the theme "Young for Forever" Sunday, June 15, 2014, at the Onassis Foundation Arts and Letters Building, Athens

    24) Presentation of two Workshops at "54The Post-educational two-day Seminar of the Hellenic Society of Dermatological Surgery" on the topic of "Lipotransfer using WaterJet technology" and "combined application of autologous mesotherapy PRP and PDO lifting threads" Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July 2014 at "Errikos Dunan" Athens

    25 Workshop presentation with the theme "Autologous Therapies with threads. Use and complications" and "Use of threads and autologous treatment for face lift" at the regenerative medicine conference, Saturday October 18, 2014 Stratos Vassilikos Hotel Athens

    26) Workshop presentation with the theme "combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy and PDO lifting threads" in 1the Cosmetic Dermatology Conference of the Dermatology and Venereology Society of Cyprus, Limassol, February 7, 2015

    27) Presentation "PDO Threads with Platelet Rich Plasma PRP" at Dubai Derma 2015, April 7-9, 2015, Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition Dubai

    28) Workshop presentation on the topics "Use of stem cells in Aesthetic Dermatology" and "Stem cells from fat cells" at the Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging conference on the theme "Forever Young" Sunday, May 24, 2015, Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens

    29) Workshop presentation on "laser applications in the treatment of pigmented skin lesions" at 11The Panhellenic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology June 25-28, Macedonia Pallas, Thessaloniki.

    30) Participant in a round table with the theme "Hydrotherapy in skin diseases and medical aesthetics". Presentation "The contribution of mud therapy and bath therapy to psoriasis. Experience from the clay therapy center of Krinion Kavala" 1The Panhellenic Conference of Spa Medicine October 2-4, 2015, Galini Hotel, Kamena Vourla

    31) Participation in a satellite symposium with the theme "Lunch break facial rejuvenation with the use of non invasive techniques" in 2the Cosmetic Dermatology Conference of the Dermatology and Venereology Society of Cyprus, Limassol, March 25-27, 2016

    32) Participation in a round table of the Hellenic Academy of Spa Medicine from April 16-17, 2016 with the theme "Latest data in the applications of Spa Medicine" at the Metropolitan EXPO Exhibition center


    Tsoga Sophia

    Responsible for:

    • Laser hair removal
    • Fractional laser face and body
    • Tattoo removal
    • Blood sampling
    • Face and body mesotherapy
    • Removal of varicose veins and papillomas


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduated from the nursing department of TEI Larissa

    Triantafyllia Ori

    • Handling and organizing appointments
    • Customer service
    • Solving patients' queries


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduate of the Faculty of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies with a specialization in economics and international business

    Ayvalikli Irini

    Responsible for:

    • Laser hair removal
    • Fractional laser face and body
    • Tattoo removal
    • Face cleaning
    • Face & body mesotherapy
    • Removal of varicose veins, hemangiomas and other skin lesions


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduated from the Department of Aesthetics and Cosmetology of ATEI Thessaloniki.

    Dalaklidou Marina

    Responsible for:

    • Laser hair removal
    • Fractional laser face and body
    • Tattoo removal
    • Face cleaning
    • Face & body mesotherapy
    • Hollywood Peel
    • Vascular removal


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduated from the Department of Aesthetics and Cosmetology of ATEI Thessaloniki.

    Kesidou Lana

    Responsible for:

    • Laser hair removal
    • Fractional laser face and body
    • Tattoo removal
    • Blood sampling
    • Face and body mesotherapy
    • Removal of varicose veins and papillomas


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduated from the nursing department of the TEI of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

    Kouvela Antonia

    Handling and organizing the clinic's aesthetic and medical appointments, customer service and resolving patients' queries  


    Phone :
    (+30) 2310 222 432
    Email :
    Address :
    Tsimiski 99, Thessaloniki


    Graduate of the Faculty of Science and Technology with a master's degree in bioethics and law.

    Hello, I'm
    Melena Marshall

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.


    Phone :
    Email :
    Address :
    A-1, Envanto HQ, Australia


    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.


    Face Procedures 90%
    Body Correction 80%
    Refillers 70%


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.

    Contact Me