The advanced method FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) essentially pioneers the method of extracting and transporting hair follicles. In the old FUT-STRIP method, a strip of skin is taken from the donor area which is then separated into individual hair follicles. In contrast, in the FUE method, individual hair follicles are initially taken from the donor (occipital) area, which are then also transplanted individually to the recipient thinning area (frontal and/or parietal area).
Technique of the operation with fue:
Stage 1
After the preparation of the patient, the local anesthesia is performed.
Stage 2
The doctor carefully selects and takes the hair follicles one by one from scattered parts of the donor area.
Stage 3
The doctor, after careful planning, creates the sockets of the hair follicles in the recipient area, in which the hair follicles will be transplanted). The holes are small so as not to disturb the microcirculation and perfusion of the recipient area, thus ensuring the necessary conditions for the nourishment of growth and growth of new hairs.
Stage 4
The stage of placement (implantation) of the hair follicles is from a technical point of view the most demanding of the procedure. The follicles are implanted in the sockets of the recipient area together with the connective tissue that surrounds them: those containing a hair are placed along the frontal line (hairline) – forming indentations and protrusions just like the natural growth – while follicles with 2, 3 or 4 hairs cover the area of thinning as we move towards the interior of the scalp.
With this technique (FUE), the following advantages are presented:
- Linear scars are not created in the donor area
- The healing time in the donor area is minimized
- No restriction is placed on vigorous physical activity after surgery
- It can also be applied to young people who have very tight skin on the scalp (reduced elasticity)
- Allows hair follicles with finer hairs to be taken from the nape area to restore hair growth on the frontal forehead line or eyebrows
- It provides the possibility of extracting hair follicles from other parts of the body (beard, chest, back) although taking from the occipital region of the scalp is always preferable.
Before & After Treatment
You can see the course of each treatment in the slider below. By pressing the arrows at the bottom you can see the result per session

First session
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Second session
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.

Third session
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.
Eyebrow restoration with the fue transplant method
Eyebrow restoration with hair follicle implantation concerns people who suffer from a congenital lack of eyebrows, or want to cover scars from accidents or burns, or even have excessive thinning of eyebrows due to waxing or due to age. Also, simply for aesthetic reasons, someone may desire a fuller and younger eyebrow...
Patients who prefer the FUE method fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Those who want to shave their head or have short hair up to 1cm.
- Those who want up to 1200 cuttings
- Those who do not have sufficient elasticity in the skin of the scalp so that a strip can be taken
- Patients who have poor skin healing and create ugly scars
- Patients who already have a scar in the donor area from a previous strip graft application
- Those who consider FUE as a more modern technique
- Those who want to expand the potential of their donor area (combination of FUE & STRIP)
- Those who are afraid of very invasive hair transplant procedures
- Patients looking for the most painless transplant procedure
The complications of the FUE technique are:
The complications of hair transplantation is more frequent in FUT – STRIP implantation, due to the more invasive nature of the technique.
In FUE implantation are minimal and include:
- Local folliculitis in the recipient site (<0.3%) which is easily treated with application of antiseptic shampoo and antibiotic lotion for one week
- Facial swelling mainly of the forehead that resolves in 1 to 2 days (<1%), easily treated with small doses of cortisone
- "Shock loss" after implantation, which is not a complication but is completely expected. It is prevented by the continued use of minoxidil, which we generally recommend to continue using for reasons of stabilization and inhibition of the progression of androgenetic alopecia
The hair transplant operation with the FUE technique takes several hours due to the special process of individual capture and placement of the hair follicles hair follicle by hair follicle with the special tool.
After hair transplantation you are able to return to your activities in a short time. There are cases - always depending on the type of profession - that the return to work is even carried out the day after the operation. The doctor informs individually and gives specific instructions & directions according to the profession & activities of each interested party.
The hair transplant doctor will check the donor & recipient area and after providing you with the necessary post-operative instructions verbally and in writing, you return home.
The new hair grows normally immediately after its transplantation and in 3-5 months the first results start to be seen, which are completed after 10 months. It is important to emphasize that usually a significant percentage (20%-80%) of the transplanted hair gradually falls out after the operation, but this phenomenon is considered completely normal since new hair grows in its place. Transplanted hair grows like other hair and stays forever. They are washed, cut, combed, they are subject to any kind of hairdressing process and they are no different from the rest of the hair