Lemonbottle lipolysis

Lemonbottle lipolysis

What is a lemonbottle?

The injectable lipolysis procedure is a non-invasive method aimed at reducing locally accumulated fat. In the past many companies have tried to make a formulation that is effective but has no side effects but failed. The main problem was that the ones that were effective caused bruising (bruising) at the application site and severe edema (swelling) in the application area for the next 5 days.  

Lemonbottle is a new injectable lipolysis solution that stands out for its safety, use of quality ingredients and immediate results without creating side effects at the application site.

"Show off your natural beauty: Lemonbottle lipolysis, simple, safe, effective!"

Its main ingredients include:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): It is a water-soluble vitamin that activates fat metabolism. It has fast lipase activity. The oxidation of fat also promotes its burning. It also provides relief from inflammation.
  • Bromelain: It is a proteolytic and lipolytic enzyme found in pineapple (Ananas Sativus). It helps to break down fat and reduce swelling as well as inflammation and pain.
  • Lecithin: It stimulates the activity of lipase and leads to the decomposition of fat cells and to the emulsification and transport of triglycerides. It leads to decomposition of its wall. fat cell

Treatment benefits & effects

The treatment is ideal for non-surgical fat removal, offering lipolysis without hospitalization and no recovery time. You can do the application in a few minutes and immediately return to your work or activities.

In addition, Lemonbottle's formula and the technique of injections made with an ultra-thin almost non-traumatic needle, offer an almost painless experience.

 The results of the treatment are visible from the day after the procedure, with gradual improvements over the following weeks. We recommend repeating the treatment in 15 days. A complete treatment regimen usually includes four treatments. Patients can expect long-lasting results with a completely natural result in reducing fat and also in the external appearance of the skin.

The following steps are followed in the treatment:

  1. Assessment: First, the dermatologist assesses the areas that need treatment and determines the application plan.
  2. Preparation: The area is cleaned and disinfected.
  3. Injections: The targeted areas are injected with a very fine 33G needle.
  4. Action Process: The ingredients start breaking down fat cells.
  5. Recovery: After the injections, the area is slightly irritated, but soon recovers.
  6. Results: Results are immediately visible after a few days and continue to improve.

Instructions for care after application

  1. Get enough water
  2. Avoid eating late at night
  3. Light aerobic exercise is recommended
  4. It is recommended to lightly massage the area where the application was made

Conclusion on Lemonbottle Lipolysis

  1. By changing the way fat is stored and turning fat into a source of energy (fuel), it reduces the number and size of fat cells.

    It also produces collagen and increases skin elasticity.

    It facilitates lymphatic circulation and can and does quickly release degraded fat cells, which is effective in reducing swelling and eliminating cellulite.