-PDO Lifting Threads. What are "facial threads"?
It's about bio-absorbable threads, the application of which to FACE and BODY, constitutes one innovative and safe method for the combat relaxation and for lifting areas of the body, without surgery.
The treatment does not replace the surgical lifting, but it is a very good alternative for people who have gentle relaxation the still and significant relaxation-fallibility but do not wish to undergo surgery.
Facial Threads – PDO threads are 100% bio-absorbable. They are made of polypropylene, just like the corresponding absorbable sutures. We have various kinds of PDO threads which either they form one reinforced inner support mesh which supports the tissues of the body in a completely safe way, whether they act with direct pull for erection. The first category includes monofilament PDO and the most powerful spirals (PDO screw). To the second category belong the hooks (PDO COG).
-Can we achieve neck and face contour tightening and support with facial threads?
THE improvement of contour of the face and correcting problems in his area neck ("double chin", sagging in the neck area, wrinkles) is a challenge for the doctor dealing with cosmetic dermatology.
In these areas, botulinum toxin applications often have poor results, while from hyaluronic we only use hydrating hyaluronic which improves, but not to a satisfactory extent, these problems.
Thread therapy provides an innovative solution. In this case we work with reinforced mesh yarns and for an even better result we do simultaneous application of autologous PRP mesotherapy
– facial and lower jaw threads? (double chin)
The area of the lower jaw is of great aesthetic interest to both women and men. THE application of support mesh threads offers very good results in cases of relaxation and fallibility of the skin.
In cases of where there is a large deposit of adipose tissue, should precede local liposuction and then apply threads for support.
In this case we work with reinforced mesh yarns and for an even better result, we simultaneously apply autologous PRP mesotherapy.
Before & After Treatment
You can see the course of each treatment in the slider below. By pressing the arrows at the bottom you can see the result per session

First session
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Second session
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Third session
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.
-Can facial threads solve "crow's feet" and "bags" under the eyes?
THE area around the eye, either laterally in the so-called "crow's foot", or down in the "bags" is an area where we usually prefer applications botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid hydration
In some cases where the problem that we have to fix is very intense, we complete the above treatment with application of threads support grid. In these cases we see important additional improvement in periocular area and longer duration of effect in the original application.
Also, we apply the support threads as monotherapy in cases where they do not wish to apply botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid in the eye area, so we offer significant support to the area with the threads.
In this application we use single-stranded PDOs (monofilament PDO), short length with very fine needle, due to the fact that the skin of the area is very thin with very rich vascularity.
The application of threads can also be combined with the application of autologous PRP mesotherapy, which significantly enhances the therapeutic effect.
It is an application where we usually prefer botulinum toxin applications. However, in cases where we do not want to do an extensive application of botulinum toxin, when for example there is a risk of eyelid loss or the age is quite advanced, we strengthen the support of the eyebrow with threads.
Also in cases we wish to keep intact all frontal mobility and eye (e.g. to an actor) we avoid the application of botulinum toxin and we support the area exclusively with threads.
In this application we use single-stranded PDOs (monofilament PDO), short length with a very fine needle, due to the fact that the skin of the area has very rich vascularity.
The application of threads can also be combined with autologous PRP mesotherapy, which significantly enhances the therapeutic effect.
It is an application in which we mainly use crochet threads (PDO COG) which give us the possibility of applying direct traction for lifting the face.
We usually use two or three crochet threads on each side which provide immediate results! It is quickly achieved correction of the nasolabial fold , but also his contour of the face, as we have line improvement which ends from the nose to the mouth, but and the fall of the skin of the face which creates "bags".
For an even better result we can use in the same application or later, single strand support mesh yarns PDO (monofilament PDO) and the most powerful spirals (PDO screw). Furthermore, we can enhance the application with a combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy.
This application can give very good results in the cases we have relaxation and sagging in the buttocks area, but without much deposition of adipose tissue (which offers excess weight)
In this application we mainly use hooks (PDO COG) which give us the possibility of application direct traction to lift the butt. We usually use three to five crochet threads on each side. For better support we add to the same application and strong spiral mesh threads (PDO screw) with combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy. The end result is very satisfying.
This application can give very good results in the cases we have relaxation and decline in the area of the chest, but without a large deposit of adipose tissue (which gives excess weight)
In this application we mainly use hooked (PDO COG) which give us the possibility of application direct traction to lift the butt. We usually use three crochet threads on each side. For better support, we add to the same application strong spiral mesh threads (PDO screw) with a combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy. The end result is very satisfying.
This application can give remarkable results in cases where we have relaxation in the abdominal area both in anterior region as well as sideways ("love handles"), but without much deposition of adipose tissue
In this application we use hooks (PDO COG) which give us the possibility of application direct pull for erection. For better support, we add to the same application strong spiral mesh threads (PDO screw) with a combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy.
Depending on the severity of the incident is decided what thread class will be more involved in the application. The end result is very satisfying. Of course, as in any treatment for abdominal relaxation, one must also participate with changes in the diet plan and adding some form of exercise in his daily life.
In this application we mainly use hooked (PDO COG) which give us the possibility of application direct traction to lift the butt. We usually use three crochet threads on each side. For better support, we add to the same application strong spiral mesh threads (PDO screw) with a combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy. The end result is very satisfying.
THE relaxation in the arms employs many middle aged women, especially if they have significant changes in their body weight. It is an area where it is difficult to perform surgery that goes unnoticed, so the interest turns to non- (or minimally) invasive methods.
In this application we mainly use strong spiral mesh threads (PDO screw) with combined application of autologous PRP mesotherapy. Depending on the severity of the incident we can add hooks (PDO COG), which give us the possibility of applying direct traction for rectification in the same application. The final result is very satisfying.
THE mechanism action of thread therapy is as follows: After inserting the threads, a natural network of elastic fibers and collagen fibers is created around them (foreign body reaction). That explains it gradually increasing effect of treatment (the maximum effect observed after them 6 months from the application) as well as that the Results Treatment they last long, depending on the type of threads that will be used for the application.
Summarizing, the results of treatment they last much longer from the biodegradation time of the threads we introduce due to the composition of this "sheath" of collagen and elastic fibers that surrounds the PDO thread. At this point, autologous PRP mesotherapy (Platelet Rich Plasma) comes to strengthen and complete the healing with PDO threads.
The autologous growth factors provided by PRP therapy enhance this endogenous collagen production reaction with the result that is strengthened quantitatively and qualitatively and regarding its duration. THE application of PRP is done at the same time with thread insertion, with the injection being done through the thread guide.
The treatment lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. In this time we should add an additional 30-45 minutes in case it happens local anesthesia with application of lidocaine anesthetic cream to make support grid creation application.
In the case of applying hooks (PDO COG) this extra time is not needed, because there is no need to apply lidocaine anesthetic cream. Injectable anesthesia with lidocaine is preferred, which works immediately.
In the case of creating a support mesh with threads, the immediately noticeable result is of the order of 20-30%. The effect of the treatment is constantly enhanced as the body creates the "sheath" of collagen and elastic fibers that surround the PDO thread. The maximum effect is observed in about six months and lasts about a year.
In the case of straightening and direct traction threads, the result is immediately noticeable it is impressive! The result of treatment lasts more than 1.5 years because these threads are significantly more reinforced in construction.
The app IS NOT not painful at all, because it is possible or by applying local anesthetic cream lidocaine (in the case where threads-mesh will be applied) either with injectable anesthesia with lidocaine in case we will use hooks (PDO COG) for immediate traction and erection.
Immediately after treatment, it has been reported mild irritation at the entry points of the threads. We immediately return to the activities us even without the application of any masking agent. During application in person and especially around the eyes or at forehead because it is an area with particularly increased vascularity and thin skin, some juicing may occur, which will subside in a few days (7-10 days). In these cases we apply ice cooling immediately after application and in the following days we apply cream with arnica.
The application of threads can be combined with classic injectable facial treatments (Botulinum toxin or Hyaluronic implants for filling wrinkles) as well and mesotherapy either with hydrating hyaluronic or autologous PRP mesotherapy.
Of course, they are also combined with other treatments that improve surface imperfections, such as peels (chemical peelings with fruit acids, with microcrystals or even diamond). In addition there is avail from the combination of threads with classic treatments because when the threads are applied to areas such as the forehead or "crow's feet" (classic botulinum toxin application areas) the effects of botulinum toxin are enhanced and prolonged over time.
THE complete absorption of the threads ensures that they will not be created granulomas or others allergic reactions in the skin tissue as seen with earlier non-absorbable thread technologies.
Recommended avoiding taking alcohol and aspirin (Salospir, Aspirin) and the rest anticoagulants (Sintrom, Plavix, Iscover) 3 days ago and 3 days later the operation.
Patients are advised to avoid intense chewing at least 24 hours post. In the first 3 days it is good to use them 2 sleeping pillows. Face cream can be applied with gentle movements. The patient should avoid pressing the face in the first days, as well as to remove the make up with strong movements. Recommended avoid exercise for 7 days, while in the case of engaging in violent sports that have a high probability of facial injury, the recommended abstinence period increases to 6 weeks
No, the patient can recover immediately after treatment, in his daily activities even without using any concealing product (make up)
In the case of creating a support mesh with threads, the immediately noticeable result is of the order of 20-30%. The effect of the treatment is constantly enhanced as the body creates the "sheath" of collagen and elastic fibers that surround the PDO thread. The maximum effect is observed in about six months and lasts about a year.
In the case of straightening threads and immediate attraction the effect of the treatment lasts more than 1.5 years because these threads are significantly more reinforced in construction.
Whenever we wish. We can add threads to the same area where the application was made or work in a new area whenever we deem it appropriate. We usually recommend that fill in threads in the same area a month later to be able to better evaluate the result of the initial application and to have the added benefit of repeating autologous PRP mesotherapy.
Applications with absorbable threads, KEEP our SELF-CONFIDENCE and our NATURAL BEAUTY, really!