Dark circles

Dark circles

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Dark circles around the eyes are a common problem for many people and relate to procedures performed in a dermatological clinic. Find out what options there are for them to mitigate.



[blockquote]Mesotherapy: [/blockquote]

Mesotherapy is the most effective way to remove dark circles from eyes. We use substances such as caffeine and ginkgo biloba, which moisturize and soothe dark tones. The complex treatment protocol includes three sessions 20 days apart and after one it is repeated in six months. The cost of this process – in total 100 euros.


[blockquote]Hyaluronic acid: [/blockquote]

very effective means of treatment is the use of injections
гиалуроновой в район, located under the lower eyelids. It increases
distance from the epidermis of vessels in this area and change the shadowing of the lower eyelid.
The result is usually impressive. The cost of this process depends on the quantity
hyaluronic, necessary in each specific case separately.



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