Cryolipolysis - body as you dream!

Cryolipolysis - body as you dream!

What is cryolipolysis? In which areas does it apply? Who is an ideal candidate for cryolipolysis? Is it a painless method? Does it leave marks?


These are some of the questions that are often asked by people who are interested in the best possible appearance of their body.

The technology of cryolipolysis has been created by scientists from the University of Harvard and Massachusetts.

THE cryolipolysis is steadily gaining ground and has become the most popular way of liposuction ever since it first appeared, widely used worldwide.

It is one extremely simple and painless method where removes local fat non-surgically (no scalpel), injections or anesthesia. it is about a non-invasive, clinically proven procedure which selectively reduces unwanted fat using cooling technology. One of the most well-known and reliable cryolipolysis systems is Z-lipo from the German company Zimmer.

The goal of this application is to reduce selective the stubborn accumulated fat that does not respond to diet or exercise in areas such as abdomen, around the waist ("lovehandles"), arms, interior of thighs, interior knees, under the jaw («double chin"), buttocks , outer surface of the thighs («buns").

Cryolipolysis is not a weight loss method or program for overweight people. The most suitable candidates for cryolipolysis are men or women who are close to their ideal weight, but have local fat that cannot be eliminated with a healthy lifestyle-diet-exercise, but also do not want surgery (liposuction).


The advantages of cryolipolysis

  • Targeted fat loss on the spots!
  • Affordable cost
  • Proven effective treatment
  • Skin improvement
  • Measurable results in 4-6 weeks
  • Completely painless
  • No recovery time required, immediate return to our activities
  • Non-invasive method. There are no bruises, stitches, swelling, trauma, postoperative pain
  • Admission to a hospital-clinic is not required
  • Natural way to reduce fat
  • Safe and relaxing procedure
  • Easy readjustment of the skin without any relaxation


Questions about cryolipolysis that need answers:


-Which areas can I improve with cryolipolysis?

Any part of the body that has extra fat is suitable for cryolipolysis. The most common areas treated with cryolipolysis are:

  • Thighs outside (buns) & inside
  • Belly around the waist ("lovehandles"),
  • Stomach
  • Waist
  • Back
  • Inside from the knees
  • Arms
  • Under the jaw ("double chin")
  • Buttocks


-Does the machine we use in cryolipolysis matter?

In our clinic, we use Z-lipo from the German company Zimmer, a company that specializes in medical machines that provide cooling. It is a medical device that has all European certifications, so that we can provide a safe and reliable treatment.


– How does the treatment work?

Using one special cooling technology which provides the handpiece ("head") of the machine, the non-invasive method of cryolipolysis literally "freezes" problem areas to -6 degrees Celsius to crystallize the water in the fat cells located in the deeper layers of the skin (subcutaneous fat) and lead them to destruction-necrosis. The body then treats them as something unnecessary, which it eliminates through the lymphatic system (by the normal biological process of apoptosis). To facilitate the elimination of damaged fat cells, we recommend drinking plenty of water and doing aerobic exercise (even after the session). As the fat cells are gradually removed by a natural process, the skin adapts more easily, without loosening as occurs with sudden weight loss or liposuction.

During the treatment, two heads placed symmetrically in the areas of interest create negative pressure and suction. They are placed in the selected area of the body and using vacuum technology they lift the surface tissue of the skin and lower the temperature from -5 to -10 degrees so that the fatty tissue freezes with the cooling technology. As the treatment session begins, this is initially felt in the first few minutes as a cool "rush" which subsides very quickly as the skin becomes numb. This process takes 45 minutes to 1 hour (per area).

With the system we have, we can simultaneously treat a small and a large area of the body in the same session.

When cryolipolysis is done combined with mechanical lymphatic massage– endermology type drainage, has even better results. It immediately treats the "buns" and excess fat that does not react to any diet or exercise. It takes a few months for the result to stabilize, as the body needs some time to get rid of the fat cells that have been damaged. Unlike other methods, does not create injuries to the skin.


-Is there any recovery time required? What are the possible side effects of the treatment?

Not required no recovery time at all- recovery. After the session we return directly to our daily activities including sports even on the same day of the treatment. You don't waste any time, apart from the 1 hour or so the session lasts.

Medical research has shown that fat cells are inherently more sensitive to cold than the tissue surrounding them, and that they can be safely removed from the body without any side effects or complications.

The selective effect of cryolipolysis is due to the fact that fat cells crystallize at a higher temperature than cells that contain only water. So, this method targets fat and it does not affect the skin, muscles and nerves at all.

The only possible side effect is a slight swelling and redness (redness) in the area of the skin where it came into contact with the "head" which usually subsides within

in 24-36 hours and the formation of ecchymosis ("bruising") in people who are prone to ecchymosis easily - and these usually subside within 8-14 days.


-Is the treatment painful?

Not at all! The treatment does not require any kind of anesthesia. During the session, candidates sit or lie comfortably and read, work on their laptop, surf the internet, etc.


-How many sessions are required? Is the result permanent?

After a consultation session where we see if the criteria for the specific treatment are met, the procedure is explained in detail and the treatment plan is drawn up. The number of treatments depends on the number of areas one wants to reduce localized fat.

The therapeutic protocol that is usually recommended includes 3 to 4 sessions which are carried out with an interval of 20 days. The results are evident from the very first session, with a permanent reduction of fat from around 20% (depending on the initial problem) which in the case of the circumference corresponds on average to a reduction of 2.5-5 points.

The results achieved are permanent because the fat cells that have been destroyed in the treated area do not regenerate. Fat cells disappear and points are lost, naturally. They do not come back as long as you continue to exercise and watch your diet keeping your weight stable. If you follow a balanced diet, drink enough water and have a gentle exercise program, the results will be consolidated as well your new body will be steadily improved.

Results vary from person to person. However, they are perceived by measuring the circumference of the area where the treatment was done with a tape measure (reduction some centimeters) , as well as in the clothes we wear (smaller size in clothes or more comfortable fit on the body), but not by measuring weight on the scale.

Cryolipolysis does not facilitate weight loss, but primarily aims at removing local fat and improving body contours. So the treatment is not aimed at overweight people.


With what other lipolysis treatments can cryolipolysis be combined?

Cryolipolysis can be very well combined with lipolysis mesotherapy during the same session or a few days later, with

SHOCKWAVE treatment (with acoustic waves) to combat sagging skin and cellulite.

Also, cryolipolysis can be applied before laser liposuction to reduce the fatty tissue that we want to remove or a month after, if there is a small residue of accumulated fat cells that have not been eliminated by liposuction

Also, cryolipolysis can be very well combined with a triple system treatment of endermology- radiofrequency and Kumashape ultrasound for further lipolysis, faster and better removal of fat cells killed by cryolipolysis, as well as for tightening the area, but also with PDO-threads for lifting body