Acne causes phobia in teenagers


New findings on acne and how it affects teenagers presents new scientific research. Norwegian researchers looked at the causes of social anxiety in teenagers and found that acne was one of the main ones. The study involved 8,388 teenagers aged 13 to 18, who completed questionnaires measuring social anxiety and other variables. The study was done in two groups, a clinical group of acne patients and a randomly sampled control group. The number of participating girls was slightly higher than that of boys in each group, and the average age was fifteen years.

The results showed that the symptoms of social phobia were greater among girls than among boys. The root causes that trigger social phobia were learning problems, bullying, eating problems, the acne and generalized anxiety and depression.

acne treatment

The article is translated by: The translation was edited by dermatologist-venereologist Dr. Konstantinos Kalokasidis

Read on here how to get rid of acne easily