"Stretch marks" are a type of atrophic scar of the skin, with significant destruction of the normal architectural structure in the depth of the skin below the epidermis.

Heredity plays a decisive role in the appearance of "stretch marks", because it is what determines the elasticity of the skin. The increase in tension exerted on the skin, as occurs in pregnancy, in the rapid growth and height increase of puberty and in large increases in body weight, is an important test for the skin. If this does not have (inherited) good elasticity then it tears internally and "opens". This gives a feeling of emptiness on palpation along the "streaks" and a thin-atrophic and discolored complexion on the surface of the skin. This is red-pink at first because it contains blood, then white from the atrophic scar that has set in.


Preventing the appearance of "stretch marks" is practically impossible because there is no way to change the genetically determined elasticity of the skin. The help provided by daily moisturizing of the skin with moisturizing-emollient creams is rarely enough for a person genetically predisposed to develop "stretch marks"

The earlier their treatment begins (while they are still in the red-pink phase) the better and more immediate the results will be (usually 4-5 sessions are required in this phase). In the white phase of the old "stretch marks" more sessions are required, the results also remain very satisfactory. We also have to explain to the patient that it is practically impossible to return the skin to the quality it had in the past before the "stretch marks" appeared, but we can significantly improve it, both in appearance and texture.


All methods of treating stretch marks aim to create new connective tissue (collagen). We usually stimulate the blood supply to the "stretch marks" area and cause mild trauma to the skin to activate fibroblasts, the skin cells that produce collagen and elastin and create a new network of connective tissue. Also, the stimulation of fibroblasts leads to the production of hyaluronic acid which offers deep hydration. We usually prefer FractionalRF (radiofrequency) technology or surgical fractionalCO2 laser for this mechanical stimulation.



Combating stretch marks with the autologous mesotherapy method – Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)


The fight against stretch marks with the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) method, i.e. with plasma rich in platelets from the patient himself, is the most modern method of treating them which takes advantage of the growth factors present in platelets. Growth factors are proteins with regenerative and reparative properties. Growth factors are injected under the skin and activate fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin that restore skin elasticity and improve the appearance and texture of stretch marks.


Combined stretch mark treatment protocol

It is done with a combination of fractional laser and PRP. The results of each individual method in the treatment of stretch marks are multiplied when they are combined in the same session. Also the recovery time is much shorter due to the use of PRP which contains growth factors which accelerate healing! The return to daily activities is immediate and the results of this combined stretch mark treatment are spectacular. And here, of course, the results are more immediate and even more impressive when we manage to start the treatment in the "red" phase of the stretch marks.




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