I put on sunscreen and yet I burn... Why?

I put on sunscreen and yet I burn... Why?

Sunscreen protects the skin from premature aging (photoaging) but also from skin cancer - both epitheliomas and extremely dangerous melanoma.

However, no sunscreen is effective if it is not applied correctly.

Here's what to look out for so that our sunscreen provides the most coverage:

THE protection index of sunscreen (SPF) must not be less than 30. Sunscreens with an index of 30 protect against 97% of UVB, while with an index of 50 they protect against 98% of UVB. There are many moisturizers that also contain low-index sun protection (e.g. SPF 15, SPF20) but these are only suitable for countries with low sunshine or for times of the year when sunshine is low and the sun is less "aggressive", i.e. from autumn to the first days of spring.

Sunscreen is a must waterproof (water resistant). That means it stays effective for 40 minutes in the water or on wet skin. Then a new application is needed. Verywaterresistant refers to products that remain effective even after 80 minutes of being on wet skin. However, we must beware of misleading advertisements because there is no fully waterproof sunscreen (waterproof). For this reason it is imperative to reapply sunscreen immediately after swimming and wiping ourselves with a towel or if we have sweated a lot (sports activity). If our skin remains dry, we should repeat the application of sunscreen every two hours or so.

Sunscreen is a must wide spectrum i.e. to protect from them as well two types of UV radiation:

  • The UVA associated with the premature photoaging of the skin and
  • The UVB associated with sunburn.

 Protection from both types of UV radiation means protection from skin cancer, premature skin aging and sunburn.

We choose sunscreen specialist for skin type us. For example, there are special sunscreens for oily, acne-prone skin. These are thinner (oilfree) and do not clog the skin. Thus the acne patient is protected from the sun without aggravating the problem.

We choose specially sunscreens with natural filters (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) for infants and very young children as well as for pregnant women. These provide maximum sun protection. In the past, they were a bit more difficult to apply, but today the texture of the latest generation sunscreens is clearly improved. Even with the use of special sunscreen, it is extremely important to keep children in the shade and use appropriate


clothing (even after applying sunscreen with a marker) such as long-sleeved shirts, long Bermuda shorts and wide-brimmed hats.

For sensitive skin prone to allergies it is also good to use sunscreens with natural filters because these do not irritate the skin at all. There are also series with chemical filters, but they are suitable for "sensitive" skins. These do not contain fragrances, colors, oils, PABA, or other chemical ingredients that may irritate the skin

It takes about 15 minutes for a sunscreen to be absorbed by the skin, so it would be good to apply the sunscreen in the relevant time, before leaving the house.

For our best protection, we use sufficient amount of sunscreen and spread it generously to cover every exposed area of the body. A gentle massage is also required for it to be absorbed. We should not forget the neck, the ears, the top of the foot and the top of the palm. To protect the lips, we choose a sunscreen product in the form of a stick with a protection index of at least 15 SPF. Many times we notice carcinomas on the upper surface of the nose or ears, areas where we rarely apply sunscreen. Also, men who have lost a significant amount of hair should also apply sunscreen to the now exposed skin of the scalp. Ideally they should also wear a hat for complete protection.

Each year, it is absolutely necessary to renew our sunscreens, as expired sunscreen does not provide adequate protection.

Our skin is exposed to harmful UV rays every time we step outside, even if it's cloudy or sitting in the shade. So, you have to we use sunscreen on a daily basis, every season next year.